Wednesday, November 22, 2006

'Tis the season...

...for charitable giving!

Confirmed Christmas nut in the house. Just broke out Bing Crosby's White Christmas to set the mood for a little Thanksgiving pumpkin-pie baking. Yes, I know I'm a twee early...

But it's my thing. Let it go.

As any good expat knows, it takes time for cards and gifts to reach loved ones overseas. Time, luck, ritual Satanism...But mostly time. I was just reflecting on the childlike innocence of my holiday cards--bought this year from the Cerebral Infantile Paralysis Association in Sarajevo--when I thought it was high time to do a seasonal shout-out to those organizations that need your money.

I would totally plug these folks, but I can't seem to find a website...Such is the case with these smaller organizations in Bosnia. But. If you want to take your chances, give them a call at 387 033 653-515.

Honestly, you're not too likely to do that. So. I've found you two other lovely organizations that work in Bosnia and could use a dollar or two: Women for Women International and BH Crafts. If you don't have much in the way of spare cash, holiday cards are generally inexpensive and a great way to give. UNICEF always has a holiday collection as do many smaller organizations.

That's my good deed for the day. And, by the way, feel free to plug any organization you like or have worked with in the past. Suggestions always welcome.

Happy baking!


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