V-Day (Day 20)
Apparently, I need help in the willpower department as I've gained three pounds! Fwah? I drink but a drop of red wine in the evening and, maybe, eat just a little ice cream for dessert. And, you know, I may do this every day, but I still don't see where all the poundage is coming from. I work out, you know...
As for you, Stinky...Did you know your due date was originally Valentine's Day? It was. This time last year was, well, a Thursday. Last year, V-Day fell on a Thursday. And there I was, heavily pregnant with you and totally paranoid about giving birth...and peeing every five minutes. I remember meeting my NCT mommies for coffee and bringing them V-Day/my-due-date cupcakes. Yellow cake with vanilla icing and pink sprinkles.
And look at you now. Today you clapped for the first time. (Witness momma's attempt to snap you in the act.) You're such a big boy. You say "Dooga, dooga, dooga and dugga, dugga, dugga." And occasionally you say "Dada," although I don't have a lot of confidence you associate the word with the live action "Dada."
Time flies, kiddo.
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