Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sweet Sloppy Freedom!

So, DH is returning from the States tomorrow morning, which means I have to pick up the line of clothes I've casually dropped all over the apartment. (And let’s not even talk about the bathroom.) It's quite liberating living alone, isn't it? You can wallow in your own slobdom, eat pizza for dinner every night, and polish off half a bottle of wine without feeling the least bit guilty that you haven't cleaned or cooked. Of course, this carefree existence makes surprise visits a little bit of a whoopsy daisy. I actually had to tell some out of town friends who arrived unexpectedly that they couldn't go anywhere near the inside of my house—she said as she eyeballed the underwear draped over the dining room chair.

This being my last night of freedom before the ball and chain returns, I will celebrate with a bottle of Cabernet and one last pizza—appropriately doctored with mozzarella, parmesan, onions, garlic salt, basil, and dill. I plan to get drunk, and, if things go according to plan, sing and dance to 2Pac’s Greatest Hits cd. I am not kidding. I might throw in a little Lenny Kravitz for good measure, and I’ll probably round out the evening with some Talking Heads. I likes to keep things interesting.

And, since I’m always talking about my love affair with Vranac, I just want to give a shout-out to the folks responsible for this incredibly cheap and respectable table wine. You rock,
Plantaže. Živjeli!

P.S. My favorite is the Cabernet. Clearly, the dog is keen on the Vranac.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red wine, singing to dead rappers, underwear draped over dining room chairs.

You are so my friend.

4:35 PM  

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