Thursday, July 26, 2007

Book recommendations for the week

The upside of being laid up with pregnancy and living on your couch is the time you can spend reading novel after delicious novel, which is what I'm doing.

But, you know what's also fun?

Making your husband go out to your local grocery store (because your local bookstore is sold out) and buy the latest Harry Potter. What's funnier still is that said husband bought the book and a bottle of wine, making the cashier think that said husband would be snuggling down with the latest HP and a glass of Rose, even though the two purchases were not at all connected. "Have a nice evening with your Harry Potter, sir!" This embarrassed him to no end and has given me much amusement.


I can highly recommend the latest HP, and I have no shame in saying that I am sad that there will be no more books to come. My inner child has delighted in rediscovering (or discovering) young adult books I didn't know existed when I was actually a young adult. As a much harassed social work student stumbling around the Young Adult section of B&N for sanity (yes, I stroll the Young Adult section for sanity), I found The Dark is Rising, a wonderful tonic for frayed nerves. His Dark Materials? Totally awesome. I am, unashamedly, a lover of good young adult fiction and fantasy, as I feel they feed the big kid in this grown-up. There's a sense of magic and majesty and possibility one has as a child, isn't there? I like to think the inner child is something that can be nourished, so it never has to die or fade. Isn't that nice? (At this point, the huz would be gagging about, "Oh, isn't that precious?" But, clearly, he has lost his inner child to his inner curmudgeon, so we will pay him no nevermind.)

As for true grown-up books, I can highly recommend Cormac McCarthy's, The Road. It was beautiful and frightening. I cried throughout, finished it, and cried some more. Which has given me a bit of a headache, if you must know, and has left me with enough energy to say just that before I sign off and take another much needed preggo nap.


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