Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Gavin and Stacey (Day 3)
Ollie no sleep last night. Toothache. Mommy tired. Mommy collapsed on couch. Mommy looks at pile of dishes and toy debris on floor and CAN'T. BE. BOTHERED.
Mommy turns on idiot box, i.e., mommy's BFF despite all warnings from helpful baby development books about THE ROTTING OF THE BRAIN. Whatev...Mommy's brain rotted a long time ago.
What do we have here? Gavin and Stacey! Ding, ding, ding! Who loves Nessa? Huh? Hands, hands...?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cheesy cravings (Day 2)
Somtimes a girl just needs her Wensleydale--with cranberries! This image, poorly planned and executed, is just a taster of the 363 photos to come.
Funny thing cravings...I'm almost always a strong red kinda girl, but I had to go for the white. See how the label is turned discreetly from the camera? I thought I needn't brag about my 2 pound bottle. I have no idea what it was or where it was from, but the cost was just right...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Year of the Ox...Happy New Year! (Day 1)
I'm going to try for this 365 photo a day concept...Ol, this is for you. As momma has been utter crap with a baby book, consider this your birthday pressie. (Also, momma feels guilty that you're very first birthday will be celebrated sans grandparents and various and sundry family members.) Saying this, I make no promises that I will post every day, but I will certainly try. And, although this may surprise you wee one, not all pictures will be about you or actually be you.
I think Karin and I may be in competition to see who can send the prettiest birthday flowers. Imagine these as one lovely bouquet (because that's what they were until I realized I had no jumbo vase so had to keep them in the sink and troll the charity shops for something to put them in and found these and thought "Oh hell, I'll just split them in two.")
In fact, my first photo is this...
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Good Crap! Where has the year gone...?
This time last year I was vastly pregnant. And terrified about giving birth. (For good reason, it turns out. Labor hurts.)

Now, I am snuggling up to watch the Christmas episode of Lark Rise to Candleford over the cries of the young 'un. (Please stop crying, Oliver; it's been going on for four hours now, methinks you exaggerate your angst.)
So-ooo...2009 proves to be interesting, as we plan our repatriation to Washington DC.
(Oliver, I mean, MY GOD, WHAT???)
But, really, it's just as I feel inside. "Whah! I don't want to go home," she says in between sniffles and sobs.
(Oh, you sucketh your thumbeth. You're tired! Yes! Great merciful happy dance, you're tired! To bed, tra-la-la!)
15 minutes later....
Yes, well. Going home. Funny thing "home." What is home and where is it? It is/was England, but in a few weeks, it will be DC, for better or for worse.
Must get used to the idea. I have no other choice.
On a happy note, he-eeere's Ollie! Ain't he cute? I mean, really?

Labels: repatriation, washington dc