Saturday, September 22, 2007

The day my tastebuds died and went to Greek Yogurt heaven.

Yes, there is such a thing...

Doubters. Sheesh.

As we will at some point find ourselves back in the U.S. of America, I thought I should do a little research on something I just can't do without...

Greek Yogurt.

Yes. And yum.

This is widely available in the UK, and I have fallen in love with its rich texture. The way it calls out for a splodge of honey, a handful of crushed walnuts, and sliced bananas. It's truly a thing of beauty.

But. Is it available in the U.S., I wondered?

I became absolutely dependent on the various drinkable yogurts available in Bosnia and found my heart broke, just a little, when I could no longer get it. (Can this be found in the UK? Can it? If you can lead me to this drinkable yogurt-y nirvana, I might just name my baby after you.)

DUKAT-Tekući jogurt. Sublime.

Yes, in fact, you can get Greek Yogurt in the U.S., and this little company does one hell of a job.

Fage! Thanks in large part to this little blog entry, I breathed a sigh of relief, betook myself to our local Waitrose, bought a container, ate it, and danced my happy-food dance.

Now, if I could just find Cream Top Brown Cow yogurt.

I want it all, baby.

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